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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great stock up sale at Albertson's!

This is my 2nd trip to Albertson's this week due to the great stock up sale going on. The currentpromotion gives you vouchers after you purchase your items. By buying a certain quantity of products a voucher or coupon prints AFTER you pay for your items. You can attack this type of sale one of two ways... You can either buy now and bring vouchers back next time OR if you are a little more advanced, plan out several transactions and use the voucher you earn in your first transaction to pay for the items in the second and so forth. "Rolling," as I call it, takes a little extra planning and is something I consider "advanced" but it can be done easily if you allow yourself the time to get organized. I would be more than happy to help explain that a little better if need be! Just shoot me an email.

I got $75.31 dollars work of groceries for $9.51 cents!
That my friends is a savings of 87%!

WHAT!? I know... I was really excited about that. Now I have some low calorie sweet treats for this diet that I have started, and lots of delish soup for my food storage! There are a lot of other really great deals, I just have a very full fridge at the moment! Yogurt is on sale and those Gogurts can be frozen, so you can stock up that freezer too. My kids love them in their lunch boxes. Happy shopping!

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