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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I just checked out the Von's mailer for this week, and they are having some serious deals! I love when you can earn cash back instantly! Unfortunantly there isn't a Von's list this week, so I will have to spend a little bit of time on it, but it will be well worth the savings in the end. I plan to use the weekly mailer and the alphabetical coupon index to locate my coupons! I will post the results so that maybe you don't have to do the searching too! Here's to buying more and spending less!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smith's mega sales event!

I love when stores have mega sales where the savings are intstant and I don't have to worry about multiple transactions! Smith's is having one of those! This was a great time for me to stock up on snacks for the kids, toothpaste for .24 cents, Powerade for .49 cents, and pasta for .49 cents!

Here is my transaction breakdown:
Total Value: $83.36
Store Savings: $21.12
MFG coupons: $22.75
Total out of pocket: $36.49
That is a savings of 55%! That is great considering I still bought chicken, milk, and eggs!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

$5.00 off on huggies!

Go to the Grocery Smarts list and pull up the Albertson's ad. There is a printable for a $5.00 OFF of Huggies diapers! Go and print it now, before the print limit is reached! Remember that you can print 2! That makes the diapers $5.00 folks!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Don't miss it!

Don't miss it, today is a double wammy! There is a SS insert and a PG! I love getting 4 PG inserts.... serious savings to be had on all the things that our families use!