To order a discounted Sunday paper, or to book a free class, email me at

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great stock up sale at Albertson's!

This is my 2nd trip to Albertson's this week due to the great stock up sale going on. The currentpromotion gives you vouchers after you purchase your items. By buying a certain quantity of products a voucher or coupon prints AFTER you pay for your items. You can attack this type of sale one of two ways... You can either buy now and bring vouchers back next time OR if you are a little more advanced, plan out several transactions and use the voucher you earn in your first transaction to pay for the items in the second and so forth. "Rolling," as I call it, takes a little extra planning and is something I consider "advanced" but it can be done easily if you allow yourself the time to get organized. I would be more than happy to help explain that a little better if need be! Just shoot me an email.

I got $75.31 dollars work of groceries for $9.51 cents!
That my friends is a savings of 87%!

WHAT!? I know... I was really excited about that. Now I have some low calorie sweet treats for this diet that I have started, and lots of delish soup for my food storage! There are a lot of other really great deals, I just have a very full fridge at the moment! Yogurt is on sale and those Gogurts can be frozen, so you can stock up that freezer too. My kids love them in their lunch boxes. Happy shopping!

$20 worth of FREE groceries!

We all know that saving money is a thing of the times. We are all doing our best to live within our means, and that means cutting back where we can. Who knew that grocery shopping was such a great and easy way to cut back... while still buying name brand products?

Just to recap the class incentives, if you host a class for you and your friends and get 9 new mom's to attend, you get a $20 gift card to Smith's or Albertson's! If you get 15 or more, you get me for 2 hours or are invited to my advanced couponing class that will be held monthly. What a great way to offset a newspaper subscription price.

My calendar is filling up quickly, so be sure to email me ASAP to be sure that you get on the class schedule!

Monday, February 16, 2009

There were no inserts on Sunday, and none in the weekly junk mail. This happens a few times a year, when the weekend falls on a Holiday. So sad, I know...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This weeks inserts!

Double whammy! We got Smart Source and General Mills inserts this last Sunday! Be sure to mark them with 2/8! Today is the last day of those cereal sales! You can even use the coupons that just came on Sunday from General Mills and save even more.

Also, at CVS there is a sweet deal where you can get the New Madagascar DVD for $5 bucks! More details to come on that, I am headed out this afternoon to buy it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Book a class today!

My schedule is now open! If you are interested in saving money at the Grocery store email me today, I can teach your friends and family how to save big. If you get 9 or more new women there I will give you a $20 gift card to Smith's or Alberston's! Couponing 101 is something that everyone should know! There is no reason to pay full price for anything. The class costs you nothing, it is simply a great way to share the information you know about saving money with your friends and family.

PG insert!

Be sure to check your junk mail! I received my Protor and Gamble insert today! Those are my favorite! Remember to date it 2/8.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ready to buy more and spend less?

If you are new to shopping smart, this is the best place to begin...How do I shop smart? It is so easy! I use a free website service that helps me plan my weekly shopping list. Then, I get coupon inserts from the Sunday paper (1 for each person in my family, I get 4). And, by combining the online shopping lists with the coupons, I save hundreds of dollars each month on my groceries! Four papers seems like a lot, but don't worry... at my classes I teach you how to cut your grocery bill in half AND can also hook you up with a fabulous deal on the Review Journal!

Did you already attend a class? So, you just attended my Coupon Class and you're pumped up to save and are excited to get started! I decided to put this blog together in order to stay connected with you and give ongoing support and ideas to keep you as motivated next month as you are today.Where do you go from here?First things first... you need to get over to theGrocery Smarts website, enter in my passport code g89cak and print off a shopping list! If you just started a newspaper subscription to get the coupons, you'll have to be patient for the first few weeks while your collection of coupons grows. Each Sunday you'll get more inserts and each week you'll find yourself saving more. Within about a month, you will have a nice pile of inserts to pull coupons from and will start noticing a real difference on what you spend at the store.Then, over the course of the next few months, you'll notice your pantry will start filling up. Your drawers will start filling up and every spare spot you have on a shelf or in a cupboard will be filled with the food and products your family consumes each day. Your hubby will love how much you are saving and you'll love that you have a nice stash of family supplies and food storage that builds each week. And, it'll be so satisfying to know you bought more and spent less!So, bookmark my blog and check back often for weekly tips and to see what I buy each week from the lists. By seeing my scenarios, it'll help give you ideas on how you can better use the list to maximize your