To order a discounted Sunday paper, or to book a free class, email me at

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Transition period...

It can be a little tricky when you first start couponing to build up your pantry while still buying the needs for your family...all while staying within your budget! The best advice I can offer is to buy what you need but only for that week. Any leftover money in the weekly budget should go towards those 4 and 5 star items that your family uses and consumes. That is how you will start to build up your pantry and food storage while still saving money! If you don't buy those items when they are at there low price, you will always pay full price! Remember, you want to end up going to your pantry when you need something, not the grocery store. I wasn't sick when I bought my sinus head cold medicine back in October, but it was great having my medicine cabinet stocked when I needed it last week!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We are in luck that has made its way to Las Vegas. When you combine the FREE service that Grocery Smarts provides with Manufacture Coupons, you can walk away paying next to nothing for name brand products your family uses every day. Interested in cutting your monthly grocery bill in half? I can show you how. Email me at to learn more or book a class! Enter passport code g89cak to see your local lists!

I can even get you an awesome discount with the Review Journal that is only offered to those using Grocery Smarts!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome to the Buy More!

Believe it or not you don't have to shop at Walmart or buy all of the generic store brands to cut down your monthly grocery bill. I discovered a company called Grocery Smarts that offers a FREE website, and shows you how to do just that! When I say free, I mean free. There are no logins, no survey's to fill out, just free!
The picture above is my latest trip to good old Albertson's. Here is my transaction breakdown:
  • $285.61= Total Value

  • $87.69= Preferred Savings (plus $30 in vouchers for next time)

  • $68.25= Coupon Savings

  • $99.67 = Total Spent

  • That is a 65% savings!